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Olwyn Rowlinson - Honorary President

  Feb 1940 - Oct 2019

Olwyn Rowlinson was the founder and her ethos remains the driving force behind the LGN Community Choir. The spark that has become the roaring success of the LGN Choir was lit while Olwyn was watching the BBC show Last Choir Standing in late summer of 2008. Together with co-founder, and accompanist Kevin Noon, local advertisements and flyers were circulated inviting interested parties to attend an initial evening of song. On Wednesday 8th October 2008 twenty four people gathered and the LGN Community Choir was born.

"Watching people having so much fun singing together was truly inspirational. So much so it made me get up and do something about it. With fun and friendship as our foundation we can do anything."​

Olwyn's drive and determination saw the choir grow to an astonishing 90 plus members. Her emphasis on the community aspect ensures that there is no audition process and all singers of all abilities are welcome.

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© 2014 LGN Community Choir. 

Registered Charity No. 1146600

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