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  • Have you enjoyed one of our concerts, or social events, and wondered how to get involved — without singing or parting with money then ‘The Friends of LGN’  may be  for you.  

Why we need you. 

  • Every year we are involved in around six concerts including our own main fund raiser at The Culcheth Sports Club in June. Planning for these events to maximise ticket sales takes some doing especially when it comes to delivering posters around the community or setting up the room or taking tickets on the door. The committee take on the vast majority of the organisation but from time to time could do with some additional help. We do not envisage that this would be too time consuming… going on the philosophy that ‘if everyone does a little, nobody has to do a lot’.

  • We have not raised choir membership fees since the choir started in 2008 and we do try and keep costs down but, with the rising cost of music, room hire and paying for accompanists and other professional musicians we are finding keeping to the budget quite a challenge and would like a group of ‘Friends’ to also organise a couple of fund raising events during the course of a year that will help the choir to meet its costs.

 How you can help us?   

  • Selling concert tickets (day of performance)

  • Distributing programmes and seating our audience

  • Assisting with fundraising such as raffles at concerts etc.

  • Help us in setting up / clearing up at concerts 

  • Help with refreshments at concert venues  

  • Welcoming our audience, and making them feel as comfortable as possible during performances.

  • To be involved in organising a couple of fund raising events in the course of a year.

What’s in it for you?  

  • An invitation to attend our Annual Anniversary Dinner & Christmas Social

  • Free tickets for concerts where you have helped out in the organisation

  • Your name listed as a Friend on our website/programmes (optional)

  • Access to our website for information about the choir

  • Twice a year meetings so you can meet other ‘ Friends ‘


If you are interested or know of anybody else who might be interested please contact either

Muriel Fowler( 07808930811)


Janet Fallding ( 07805415090)

 We look forward to having you as a ‘Friend of LGN’

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© 2014 LGN Community Choir. 

Registered Charity No. 1146600

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